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Our nursery fees are fully inclusive!


Our fees include; All meals, snacks, nappies, wipes, nappy cream, sun-cream, sun hats and waterproof overalls.

Our fees are calculated over 51 weeks per year, as we do not charge for the week we are closed over the Christmas period. We do not offer refunds for bank holidays, absence days or children's holidays.

Our opening times are Monday - Friday from 7.30am - 6pm. 

All fees are payable monthly, via bank transfer, standing orders or cash payments. We do not accept cheque or card payments. 

We can offer information on fee costs to meet your requirements upon request or during viewing appointments.


There is a non refundable registration fee payable of £75.00.

We do not charge a registration fee for funded only places.

A minimum of 1 full day or 2 sessions per week is required, to take up a nursery place.

All information about fee payments can be found in our Terms & Conditions which are issued during registration. 

Following General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all information documented during the registration process, is stored securely and remains confidential.

Before joining us we offer "Settling In Sessions", which are included in the cost of the registration fee of £75.00.

During the settling in sessions we will complete forms including "all about me" with parents, to find out all the information we need about your little one.

Please view our admission policy, by clicking link below. 


Session Times

Full Day; 7.30am - 6pm

Morning; 8.00am - 1pm

Afternoon; 1.30pm - 6pm

Full Day Fees;

Full Day; Incy Wincy Only (Under 2 years)

Full Day; All other rooms
(2 - 4 years)


Morning Session; £48.28

Afternoon Session; £48.28

Holiday Club;

Full Day; £35
Morning Session; £25
Afternoon Session; £25


10% NHS 
10% Emergency Services 
10% Sibling 
5% Full Time 


We accept childcare vouchers and we are registered for tax free childcare!


Funding Entitlement - Expanded Offer

From April 2025, eligible working parents of children aged from 9 months will be entitled to 15 hours government funding. By September 2025, eligible working families with children aged from 9 months, will be entitled to claim 30 hours of government funding if meet eligibility criteria.

The changes are being introduced gradually to make sure that providers can meet the needs of more families. This means that:

From September 2025

Eligible working parents of children aged from 9 months to school age will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.

At Enchanted Day Nursery and Holiday Club we offer funded sessions either term time (over 38 weeks per year) or Stretched across the full year we are open (over 51 weeks per year). 




All 3&4 year olds are entitled to at least 15 hours of government funding entitlement the term after their 3rd birthday. Working parents may be eligible for 30 hours.

The term dates are September, January and April.


We offer funding on a term time only basis (38 weeks per year) or stretched over 51 weeks per year.


Parents can choose flexible sessions over full days, mornings or afternoons, depending upon our availability.


We charge for consumables; To include all meals, snacks, option with or without nappies and includes a contributing towards extra curricular activities, nursery events, trips and outings. Or alternatively we offer a small Additional Services charge where parents can provide meals / nappies and wipes from home and the charge contributes towards extra curricular activities, nursery events, trips and outings. These options are voluntary.  


Information can be given upon request tailored to meet your requirements.



Working parents may be entitled to an additional 15 hours of government funding, totalling to 30 hours.


You will need to provide us with your 30 hour code and NI number to complete checks and confirm funding eligibility.


Once confirmed we will be able to allocate sessions.

30 hour funding sessions can either be term time only or stretched over 51 weeks of the year.


Sessions will be agreed to meet your requirements and dependent upon our availability.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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